Archive for Ekim 2010

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Barres & déco diverses

déco ..  bougiedéco ..  bougiedéco ..  bougie

déco .. coeur rougeBarres & déco diversesdéco .. coeur rouge

déco .. coeur rougedéco .. coeurs déco .. coeurs déco .. coeurs déco .. coeurdéco .. coeurs déco .. coeurs déco .. coeurs déco .. coeur rouge

déco .. coeurs rougesdéco ... coeurdéco .. coeurs rouges


Barres & décos diverses ...

déco .. coeurs déco .. coeurs déco .. coeurs

déco .. coeurs déco .. coeurs déco .. coeurs

Barres & décos diverses ...

déco .. floatie  coeurdéco .. floatie  coeur


It is not that important to leave and go
if it didn’t leave gaps behind
that are impossible to fill.

Even the big separations are not that hard to endure
if they were started at the best moment.

Crying is not something to be ashamed of
if the tears are coming from the heart.

Stealing is not disgraceful
if it is the heart of somebody that is stolen.

Love has nothing to be afraid of
if one could get rid of all skins.

A known voice would not make one so upset
if it was never heard.

The leakproof embraces would perhaps be forgotten more easily
if they were not wrapped with passionate love.

The big hazel eyes would head to uncertainty as time passes
if they didn’t look so crazy.

It would perhaps be easy to forget the burning taste of a wet kiss
if the heart did not press on the rib cage that hard.

The long night conversations could be replaced by something else
if the last cigarette was not shared breath by breath.

It wouldn’t snow even on the dreams
if the fears had not wounded love in the battles.

Time still as if it will never pass would fly like an arrow
if the one that’s worth waiting for would come at the end.

Even the color of the hair in the dreams would fade away with time
if their inexpressible smell had not stuck on the pillows.

Even that huge that splendid end death would lose its meaning
If everything worth living was already lived.

Loneliness would not be that unbearable
If the final glimmer of hope had not faded away.

The spring sun perhaps would not heat this much
if life did not start again after every loss.

It would perhaps not be necessary to smoke before breakfast
if a giant wave of longing did not challenge.

Maybe the thin waist would remain in memories
if even the shameless tea was not given in a thin-waisted glass.

Sleeplessness would not ruin that badly right after short naps
if the silk skin to touch was not that far away.

Even a jobless home could turn to paradise maybe
if it was heated by a warm smile.

Poems with the taste of aged wine would not feel as poor
if there was someone to whisper them to.

It would perhaps not be possible to believe that every love hides a separation deep inside
if it did not have on its calling card the label ‘first degree perpetrator of so many separations’.

Daisies would not really look down
if they did not have their shares from your betrayal.

Coasts would not surrender to solitude
if you did not try to console yourself with aimless strolls on your own faint coasts.

I will be alone after you go.
and I am not afraid of being alone
but what if I want to hold your hands…

Yes sweetheart
Who would miss the smell of the sweat inside your palms
who would want to lie along your thin fingers
if these eyes had not witnessed a splendid period in their past!!

déco .. floatie  coeur


déco .. floatie  coeurdéco .. coeur et rose rougedéco .. floatie  coeur


déco .. coeur rougeBarres & déco diversesdéco .. coeur rouge


déco .. coeur rougeBarres & déco diversesdéco .. coeur rouge

déco .. floatie  coeur

Barres & décos diverses ...

Barres & décos diverses ...

déco .. floatie  coeur


déco .. coeur rougeBarres & déco diversesdéco .. coeur rouge

15:03 | İzleme notlarını görüntüle (1) | Bloga al



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Posted 02 Ekim 2010 by mynameisemre07 in Genel